
By the River Chebar: Historical, Literary, and Theological Studies in the Book of Ezekiel is unavailable, but you can change that!

To many readers, the book of Ezekiel is a hopeless riddle. We still find many features of the man and his message difficult and sometimes even shocking—if not offensive. The bizarre opening vision catches us off guard and tempts us to stop reading. However, if we persist, and if we meditate long and hard on individual utterances and sign actions, we will discover that despite the strangeness of...

591 20:1 End of Hananiah’s two-year prophecy (Jer 28:1–4) Elders visit Ezekiel oracle of Israel’s abominations 7.5.10 August 14 587 24:1 Siege of Jerusalem begins Ezekiel records the day 9[10].10.10 January 5 29:1 Pharaoh Hophra attempts to relieve the pressure on Jerusalem Ezekiel’s wife dies (?) Oracle of Egypt’s Doom 10.10.12 January 7 586 30:20 31:1 See previous note. See previous note. Oracle of Egypt’s doom Oracle of Egypt’s doom 11.1.7 11.3.1 April 29 June 21 585 33:21 Fugitive announces
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